Charley (L) and Wyatt joined children from 2 to 10 years old as they filled their baskets with plastic eggs during the annual Easter Egg Hunt at the Roscoe VFW, Post 2955 on Saturday, March 30, 2024.
The Mariner's Girl Scout Troop in Roscoe held an Easter Egg Hunt at Cross and Crown Lutheran Church in Roscoe. The egg hunt is an annual fundraising event.Leo and Lily collected plastic eggs at the Easter egg hunt at Cross and Crown Lutheran Church. The hunt was sponsored by the Mariner Girl Scout Troop.This little girl is on an egg hunt at the annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 30, at the Roscoe VFW. Plastic eggs were scattered throughout the lawn for kids from 2-10. The kids were treated to hot dogs and cookies following the hunt.Roscoe VFW, Post 2955 sponsored their annual Easter Egg hunt, Saturday, March 30, 2023 at 11385 2nd Street in Roscoe, IL.Harlan (L) and Hadley got a hug from the Easter bunny at the Easter Egg Hunt at Roscoe VFW.