Drones on the horizon for Roscoe Police Department
Trustees also approved plans for a mural plus parking restrictions on N. 2nd St.

Village of Roscoe trustees spent a large part of their July 5, 2022 meeting discussing and recommending approval for purchase of an AXON Air DJI Mavic Enterprise Advanced Drone, with training, licensing and associated equipment for use by the Village Police Department.
Sgt. Alex Turman gave a slide presentation explaining how the drone functions and its capabilities in aiding police work, such as finding missing persons.
The drone is small to mid-size with a fixed camera and has a 30-minute flight time.
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“The drone can talk to people and make contact such as in a hazmat situation.” Turman said.
“Teaching police personnel how to operate the drone is likely to come in at approximately $500 over the total budget.”
Trustee Mike Dunn said he would like to see two pilots certified for the program.
Insurance costs will increase as the drone program goes forward.
“This isn’t a lease agreement,” Turman said. “The drone will be ours.”
The price of the drone and all equipment is expected to be $19,489.
The proposal was unanimously approved by the Committee of the Whole and sent to the Board to be voted on at the next Village meeting, July 19.
Village President Mark Szula opened the meeting with praise for Roscoe residents Desiree and DaMya Loften. The young ladies, who live in Roscoe, were acknowledged for their election to the Rockford area Juneteenth Royal Court. The Royal Court promotes positive images throughout the community.

Mention was made of the success of Taste on Main, held Saturday, June 25, at Main Street Square, 5300 Williams Drive. Village Administrator Scott Sanders said several of the food trucks did well at the event and are interested in signing up for upcoming events in Roscoe, including the Roscoe Lions Club Fall Festival.
Crazy Llama Brewing Company owners said Taste on Main was the best sales day they have had this year.
The Stateline Mass Transit District (SMTD) will be adopting free fares for veterans, as of July 1, 2022, throughout their service area. Trustee Sue Petty spearheaded the recommendation. There was no opposition.
Sanders gave a run-down on the wall mural that will be located on the side of the Freemason Building at 10534 N. Main St, next to Harlem Roscoe Firehouse #1. The Freemasons are donating the building wall.
The undertaking is a partnership with the Rockford Area Convention and Visitors Bureau. The mural installation is part of the 2022 CRE815 Transformational Art program. The cost of the mural will not exceed $30,000.
Sander said he would like the Village to contribute $15,000 to the project and another $15.000 to come from local businesses and trusts.
“We have appropriated $20,000 so far. Forest City Gear has promised $5,000, and several businesses and trusts have expressed interest in making donations.”
If approved, Iowa artist Thomas Agran will begin work on the mural in early August and finish it by the end of August.
Committee of the Whole members unanimously recommended approval of the mural project, sending the proposal on to the Board.
The committee recommended approval to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with Winnebago and Boone Counties in the formation of a Major Crash Team. Thirteen Chicagoland municipalities have organized a similar team to coordinate the investigation of their most severe crashes.
Trustees discussed the use of the Village vehicle. The vehicle is to be used by Village employees when needed and returned to the Village Hall parking lot at the end of the day.
Trustees recommended approval of an ordinance prohibiting parking of vehicles along either side of the South 251 Frontage Road (North Second St.) from Swanson Rd. to McDonald Rd., Main Street from Elevator Road to McCurry Rd, and the North Frontage Rd, (North Second St.) from McCurry to the northern cul-de-sac terminus. The recommendations will be voted on at the next Village meeting, July 19, beginning at 6:30 p.m.