"Don’t Be Next” helping those in need
On Saturday, November 23, 2024, members of the DBN Foundation delivered 100 Thanksgiving turkeys to the Roscoe VFW,l.

After graduating from Hononegah Community High School in 1991-1992, a group of best friends formed a not- for- profit organization, “Don’t Be Next,” (DBN) in honor of two of their “brothers,” Patrick Insko and Craig Weaver, who passed away at a young age.
DBN board member Brady Castro said the friends decided to give back to the community in ways that will help young people improve their lives.
Over the years, DBN has raised thousands of dollars for HCHS senior scholarships and local organizations such as the Hononegah Girls Rugby team, the 2020 Beloit Bowling Hall of Fame, Gymnastic Academy in Rockford, Rockton Lion’s Club Wimpy’s Fund, Old Stone Pantry, in Rockton, Ms. Carly’s Pantry, HCHS Boys and Girls Golf, and music programs at HCHS.
In 2023, DBN donated $29,000 to various organizations.
On Saturday, November 23, 2024, a group of members delivered 100 Thanksgiving turkeys to Roscoe VFW, Post 2955, 11385 2nd Street, to be distributed to area veterans and their families.
“This is the first year we have done this. Next year we hope to add fruit and vegetables along with the turkeys.” Castro said.

Don’t Be Next Foundation members delivered turkeys to veterans and their families on Saturday, November 23, 2024. The foundation’s members are all Hononegah Community High graduates. Their mission is to help young people improve their lives.