Baker's dream: no shut off
Giving a shout out to Brian Elmer Company of Rockton. Did I mention I have ancient plumbing?

Sept. 20, 2024:
Yesterday was just one of those days. Uncooperative buttercream shooed me from the kitchen…good time to give a good cleaning to the bathroom in the old house. Armed with de-limer, I set about scouring the sink and faucets.
Woe is me. Too much of a good thing. The faucet, freed from lime deposits, began leaking, as well as the pipe underneath. A trickle became a torrent.
Brian Elmer, busy, could not send anyone that day. All other frantic calls had the same result. Drenched in nervous perspiration, I resigned myself to a long night of emptying buckets. Did I mention ancient plumbing? No shut off valves.
Then Tricia, at Brian Elmer Company to the rescue. She had given thought to my dire situation. There was a plumber available. He would be right over. Before I could put down my phone and run to unlock the door, he was standing outside. All is well for now and I am just so grateful.
Thank you Tricia, thank you Brian Elmer Company. Highly recommended.
Love those new shut off valves.
Rockton writer Pat Mannino is the owner of Fatt Cat Cafe in Rockton, where she makes cupcakes and hosts special events. To place an order, call her at 815-624-2832 or email