Rockton Lions Last Roar Car And Bike Show
Sun Oct 6 9:00 am, Settlers Park 150 E. Hawick St. Rockton IL, 61072

9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
You can bring your vehicle down to show, or just bring the family down for an amazing family friendly event with music, food and many cool vehicles from all automotive era!
This event is located in the heart of Rockton, IL at Settlers Park. You can easily spend the day at the car show and local shops.
Free admission for spectators. Judging starts at noon. Awards at 2 p.m.
Car & bike show, multiple classes to participate.
- Registration & check in begin at 8 - 11 a.m, Settlers Park, Rockton Illinois.
- Cars: $10 in advance, $15 beginning September 19 through day of show.
- Categories: pre-1950s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s. 2000s and up, trucks, motorcycles
- Awards: Best of Show and a runner up (1st and 2nd in each class)
- First 100 cars registered receive a dash plaque.
- Hits DJ Service providing music all day.
- Food truck on site.
Vehicle Entrance will be at Main Street and Hawick, one block west of First National Bank, 300 East Main Street, the same as Old Settlers Days main entrance.
For vendor space or sponsorship, please email